Disclosures & Disclaimers

  • Qualifiactions

    Please be advised that while I am deeply passionate about genealogy and dedicated to providing thorough research services, I am not a qualified genealogist. At present, I am an enthusiast with a keen interest in uncovering family histories. It's important to manage expectations when choosing me to delve into your family's past, as my expertise may not match that of a certified professional. While I aspire to enhance my knowledge and skills in the field, please understand that I am currently not in the position to become qualified. However, this status may change in the future. Thank you for your understanding and trust in my services.

  • GDPR

    Please be informed that in order to conduct thorough research into your family history, I will require personal details of yourself and your close family members. I assure you that I will adhere strictly to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules in handling and safeguarding this information. However, it's important to note that in the course of my research, some of these personal details may need to be inputted into family history research websites to facilitate the investigation process. Rest assured, I will take all necessary precautions to ensure the privacy and security of your personal information throughout this process. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the handling of your data, please don't hesitate to discuss them with me. Your trust and confidentiality are of utmost importance to me.

  • Inaccuracies

    Please be advised that genealogical research is not an exact science, and as such, findings may occasionally be unreliable or contradictory. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, it's important to acknowledge the inherent limitations and uncertainties associated with historical records and research methods. In the event that inaccuracies or discrepancies are identified in the findings, these will be discussed transparently with the client during the final meeting. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated as we navigate the complexities of uncovering your family history together.

  • Sensitive Records

    Please note that during the course of genealogical research, I may uncover information that clients may find difficult or sensitive to process. This could include records revealing personal or sensitive details about family members. While every effort will be made to handle such information with sensitivity and discretion, it's important to acknowledge that certain findings may be unexpected or unwelcome. During the initial consultation, I will inquire if there are any specific sensitive subjects or information that the client prefers not to know about, and I will make every effort to accommodate these preferences during the research process. Your comfort and peace of mind are my utmost priority, and I am committed to conducting the research in a manner that respects your wishes and emotional well-being.

  • Payment Process

    Please be aware of the payment process for my genealogical research services. The process begins with a non-refundable consultation fee of £20, payable upfront. Upon mutual agreement to proceed with the chosen research option, a 30% deposit of the total fee will be required to cover initial research costs. For the Starter Research option priced at £175, the deposit will be £40.50. For the Advanced Research option priced at £450, the deposit will be £135. For the 6+ Generation Advanced Research option priced at £750, the deposit will be £225. Once the research is complete and ready to be discussed, the final payment must be made in full before scheduling the meeting. This is to ensure the protection of my time and resources. For the Starter Research, the remaining payment will be £122.50, for the Advanced Research it will be £315, and for the 6+ Generation Advanced Research it will be £525. Failure to complete any of these payments will result in the discontinuation of the research process. Additionally, failure to make the final payment for the final findings will result in the withholding of the research until payment is received. Your cooperation and understanding of this payment process are greatly appreciated.

  • Legal

    Please be advised that any genealogical research presented to you by Amber Ancestry is intended for informational and personal use only. This research is not to be utilized as evidence or documentation in legal proceedings or matters. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the research, it is not intended to serve as legal documentation or proof of lineage. Should you require genealogical research for legal purposes, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a qualified legal professional or genealogist. Thank you for your understanding.